This is me with my Lanber Sporter.
I was out on the edge of the woodland at -3 deg , it wouldnt look that cold would it? But that's what the sun dose to the frost!
I bought the gun late last year for Game & Clay Shooting, Below is some info about the gun.
Model: Sporting 2097
An important innovation
The actions of Lanber shotguns stand out not only because of their innovative design but also because they have been produced by applying pulse-plasma-nitriding technology, using vacuum techniques, considered by the aeronautics industry to be the most advanced treatment for steel, because it gives it a superlative level of strength and protection.
Model:Sporting Lux 2097
Gauge 12g
Barrel length 30" whith 3" Chamber
Chokes: CL/ ****/***/**/*/
lanber@euskalnet.netI have had some good shooting with this gun, at my local Clay ground, and on the day of photo, I baged 8 pigeon, 6 Crow, all in one hr.